Salvatore Alessi was born in Sicily in 1974. After the Art school, he graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Palermo, specializing in scenography. Then he started working as a scenographer: he made theatrical sets for the Politeama Theatre of Palermo, and the Massimo of Catania. At the same time pursuing his passion for painting and also deals with film. He starts working as an assistant designer for several films. In 2006 he devoted himself to painting professionally, permanently exposing at Il Polittico Gallery of Rome and Libra Contemporary Art of Catania and with the latter, he has participated in two group exhibitions curated by noted art critic and curator of the Italian Pavilion of the Venice Biennale Beatrice Buscaroli. At the beginning of 2009 he was a finalist in the "Premio Arte" Award, in 2010 had his first solo-exhibition in 2010 and in 2011 had finished among the finalists of Lissone Award.
In the same year he shot, as director, his first film , titled " A New Man." co-produced by Zerocento and solutions with the collaboration of the Sicilian Region – 7/TUR and Film Commission Sicilian Region of Cultural Heritage Department, Permanent Education and environmental.
He exhibited in numerous national and international exhibitions including "Il mito del vero" at Palace Durini in Milan, "La leggerezza nello sport e nell'arte" at " HomeItaly", "I quattro elementi" in Catania and "Venti anni" in Rome. Has been reported to the fifty-fourth Venice bien. For the Gallery "Il Polittico" participates in the exhibitions calendar 2012/2013. In 2013 participates in the exhibition dedicated to St. Francis of Assisi, entitled "St. Francis and the places of his journey", which took place in Assisi at the Gallery "Le Logge", the same exhibition was held in Orvieto and in Naples. In the year 2013, he has a solo exhibition at the Museo diocesano in Piazza Armerina and join at contemporary art festival "Locus Animae" that every year takes place in the city of Jesolo.
In 2014 at the prestigious Palazzo Incontro in Rome and at the Studio Gallery MOCA of Rome, he participated in the exhibition entitled "Dark Green-Bright Green" environmental theme and focused primarily on the beauty of a balanced relationship between man and the environment and nature. With the Gallery "Forni" in Bologna participates in "Art Factory", established contemporary art fair in the national and international scene that takes place every year at the trade fair "Le Ciminiere" in Catania. Later takes part in the exhibition entitled " Dal Salso all'Aretusa: fertilità visive" to be held at the Palazzo Moncada in Caltanissetta. Participates in the exhibition of figurative art "1946-2016 100 years Italian boxing" organized by Coni and the Italian Boxing Federation at Palagio di Parte Guelfa in Florence with planned stops in the most important Italian cities, landing finally in the Olympic Games in Rio De Janeiro in 2016. In September 2014 created a solo exhibition at the Exhibition Space of Francesco Siracusa in Agrigento, Sicily. With the International Gallery "NeoArtGallery", which is based in Rome and Istanbul, took part in the historic exhibition "Imagine Art Fair" in Reggio Emilia, dedicated to contemporary and modern art. In November 2014 with the Galleria Forni exhibited at the exhibition of Contemporary Art in Strasbourg, France.
In April 2015 he took part in a group exhibition at the "1462 contemporary Art Gallery" of Izmir, Turkey. Shortly after to attend another exhibition organized at the new "Catania art gallery" in Catania. In August 2015 he participated in the "Resistance and the Contemporary" exhibition of contemporary art for the seventieth of Liberation in Reggio Emilia prepared by the project ARS Art Resistance Shoah. In September 2015 a new collaboration with Studio A Gallery Modern Art Gallery in Catania. A November 2015 participates in the 25th edition of the art fair "Artist 2015" international exhibition in Istanbul in collaboration with Neo Art Gallery.
From 2016 begins the important collaboration with the American gallery RJD Gallery located in the Hamptons (New York) which participates in "Art Hamptons Fair". Premio Combat Prize finalist in 2016. At the Academy of Romania in Rome participates at "Open Spaces 2016". In September participates in the exhibition entitled: "Migration: cultural contamination between peoples" at the Palace of the Arsenale in Iseo. Takes part in a two-person exhibition entitled "Other South" at Mag Gallery in Como in November 2016.
In March 2017 he will take part in an exhibition entitled "Trumpomania" to be held in Manhattan NYC, again in March will participate in the exhibition "Grand Opening- Urban Revival" at the inauguration of the new American RJD Gallery in the Hamptons, Bridgehampton NY. He will make a solo exhibition in Paris in May at the "Teodora Gallery" entitled "Sablier".
- Esposizione Permanente - “Presenze contemporanee” - PAM, Parete Arte Museum - Palazzo Ducale della Città di Parete, Caserta
- Esposizione - Galleria Punto sull’Arte - Varese
- Esposizione - Fondazione Maimeri - Curatore: Angelo Crespi - Fiera Grand’Art - Milano
- Esposizione - Fondazione Maimeri - Curatore: Angelo Crespi - Museo Marino Marini - Firenze
- Esposizione - Curatore: Antonietta Campilongo - Macro - Roma
- Esposizione “Secrets of the Twisted and Entwined” - RJD Gallery - Bridgehampton - New York
- Esposizione “Sablier” - Teodora Galerie - Young International Art Fire - Parigi
- Esposizione “Grand Opening” - RJD Gallery - Bridgehampton - New York
- Esposizione - Teodora Galerie - Young International Art Fire - Parigi
- Esposizione “Trump mania” - RJD Gallery - Salomon Art Gallery - New York
- Esposizione “Art Hamptons Fire” - RJD Gallery - New York
- Esposizione “Altri sud” - MAG Gallery - Como
- Esposizione “Visual short circuit” - RJD Gallery - New York
- Esposizione “Migrazioni: contaminazione culturale tra i popoli” - Fondazione L’Arsenale di Iseo - Brescia
- Esposizione “Open Space” - Accademia di Romania - Curatore: Sabrina Pecorella - Roma
- Esposizione “Resistance and the contemporary” - Org. Art Resistance Shoah - Reggio Emilia
- Esposizione - Studio Art Gallery - Catania
- Esposizione - Neo Art Gallery - Istanbul
- Esposizione “ST-ART Fiera internazionale d’Arte” - Galleria Forni - Strasburgo
- Esposizione “Immagine Arte in Fiera” - Neo Art Gallery - Reggio Emilia
- Esposizione “Dal Salso all’Aretusa: fertilità visive” - Beni Culturali - Caltanissetta
- Esposizione “Art Factory” - Galleria Forni - Catania
- Esposizione “The walk” - Spazio espositivo Francesco Sicuracusa - Agrigento
- Esposizione “Dark Green-Bright Green” - Studio Moca - Curatore: Massimo Caggiano - Palazzo Incontro - Roma
- Esposizione “1946-2016, 100 anni di Pugilato Italiano” - CONI - Firenze
- Esposizione “San Francesco e i luoghi del suo cammino” - Galleria Le Logge - Assisi-Orvieto-Napoli
- Esposizione - Curatore: Nicolò D’Alessandro - Museo diocesano, Piazza Armerina
- Calendario 2013 Il Polittico - Galleria Il Polittico - Roma
- Esposizione “Locus Animae” - Curatore: Stefano Momentè - Jesolo IT
- Esposizione “Nadsat, rituali e linguaggi della giovinezza” Gallerie Civiche di Palazzo Ducale -
Curatori: Paolo Donini e Luiza Samanda Turrini - Pavullo nel Frignano - Modena
- Esposizione “L’arte della solidarietà Æmilia” - ARTque, Chiostri di San Domenico - Reggio Emilia
- Calendario 2012 Il Polittico - Galleria Il Polittico - Roma
- Esposizione “In calda Sicilia 2” - Galleria Libra Arte Contemporanea - Catania
- Esposizione - 54°Edizione Biennale di Venezia - Palazzo delle esposizioni “Sala Nervi” - Torino
- Esposizione “I nostri Venti Anni” - Galleria Il Polittico - Roma
- Esposizione “Elementi” - Galleria Libra Arte Contemporanea - Catania
- Esposizione (Finalista) “Premio Lissone” - Museo d’arte contemporanea - Lissone
- Esposizione “Luci d’interno e luci d’esterno” - Galleria Il Polittico - Roma
- Esposizione “La leggerezza nello sport e nell’arte” - Casa Italia Coni - Mondiali di Atletica - Berlino
- Esposizione “Cento in giro. cento artisti per il centenario del giro d’italia” - Milano
- Esposizione (Finalista) "Premio Arte”- Milano
- Calendario 2009 Il Polittico - Galleria Il Polittico - Roma
- Esposizione “Nuova Emotività” - Galleria Il Polittico - Roma
- Esposizione “Per Amore, La raccolta Caggiano” - Palazzo Incontro - Roma.
- Esposizione “Straordinaria follia” - Galleria Pizi Arte - Teramo
- Esposizione - Galleria Il Polittico - Roma
- Scenografie - “Pierino e il lupo” - Teatro Massimo Bellini - Catania
- Scenografie - “La Bohéme (Teatro di Tokio)” - Mekane - Roma
- Scenografie - “Viva la mamma ( Teatro dell’Opera di Montecarlo)” - Mekane - Roma
- Regista “Un uomo nuovo” - Soluzioni - Film Commission Sicilia
- Assistente alla Scenografia - “Miracolo a Palermo” - Sorpasso Film - Roma
Visual short circuit Salvatore Alessi, born in Sicily, will present a new series of paintings this March 19 to April 7 at RJD Gallery in Sag Harbor, New York. The works touch upon a topic that is close to the artist, “the transformation and the coexistence of various worlds.” Each narrative painted refers to classic art and its styles, but the artist is interested in creating, as he says, “a fusion between madness of modern time and the classicism of these scenes
and to cause a more or less violent short circuit.”
Richard Demato, owner of RJD Gallery, adds, “Alessi paints us a fusion, a visual short circuit, within a parallel hybrid existence, wherein two or more worlds may coexist, exchanging energetically in a continuous dialogue and pictorial display. His originality in composition, color and a new creative movement, draw one not only to desire his artworks, but to wonder wherein we lie within the context of his unique artistic presentations.” Among his 10 paintings for the exhibition is Show, which could be reminiscent to some of a magic act, as a woman is suspended inside a ring. The onlookers, however, seem to be in another place or time, faces obscured and observing other happenings. “The painting Show had me reflecting a lot. Starting off in a Caravaggio-esque scene, I wanted to talk about today, the present,” Alessi says. “Movement is slow and mysterious like the films of David Lynch, hence another aspect of the painting, very cinematographic. The woman gets ejected from a television, from pixel to real. It’s like by magic she passes through a ring, like a game of prestige. An onlooking, yet distracted, man lets smoke out, smoke heavier than the floating woman maybe, or is it the same thing? Their faces change and transforming, as their flesh. It is a grand show of life.” In another painting, Eccebroker, business suit-clad brokers float through the air. The work, the artist says, was “inspired by the financial disaster of our time,” with the figures “no longer on earth nor world, living in a different world. They simply exist.” He also explains that the painting’s recalling of the “Catholic icon ecce homo (behold the man) is clear, reduced to scraps by himself in order to save the world they have destroyed, and maybe due to this the world will be saved.” Other pieces include Nothing is as it seems, which was inspired by “televised and photographic digital distortion,” and the painting Persistent Traces that came about from quantum physics and, as Alessi shares, “the idea that our tracks remain in the ether and our frequencies exist forever...The apparently lone man in the elevator is yet not alone as there are traces of a woman, maybe transmitting the day before, interacting in his reality.”